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2 Translation results for pop up in Spanish

| adjective

pop up

unfavorite favorite
(informal) aparecer de repente, saltar, aflorar; (figurado) surgir, brotar
word of the day image
There are now 7-ELEVEN stores popping up all over New York City.

Example sentences of
pop up

  • Coffee shops seem to be popping up everywhere.

pop-up adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
(informática) emergente (ventana en un navegador)

pop noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
estallido pequeño (de un globo, etc.); refresco, gaseosa

Synonyms of
pop noun

Reverse translation for pop up

aparecer de repente  (informal)
surgir  (figurado)
 (informática) emergente (ventana en un navegador)
Word of the day

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